from left to right; Master Rev Jocson, Hankush Boodhun

from left to right; Master Rev Jocson, Hankush Boodhun, Grand Master Jay Jumawan, Grand Master Nepthali ‘Tally’ Barcellano, me, and Master Leopoldo Lasaleta Jr.

My path in martial arts is thanks to the many people I’ve met and trained with. I would be nothing in terms of a martial artist if not for them. I also owe a big thanks to the people who have inspired me and continue to do so.

My beloved partner in life, Kristine.
If not for your patience and love for me you probably would be upset with all the hours I spend training. Thank you for being an amazing partner in life and continuing to support me. You are my love, my wife, and my best friend. You kept me sane and happy. More love and amazing times together.

Sifu Eddie Lee
An amazing friend and true artist. I wouldn’t know Kung Fu the way that I do today if it weren’t for you. You opened up my eyes and have taught me so much that goes beyond martial arts. You opened up a gateway of opportunities for me. We connected on a martial arts level and in appreciation for film. Everytime I train with you I always learn something new and have that “smiling buddha” moment. A big thank you. I look forward to more Kung Fu and film with you.

Rev Jocson
A good friend of mine to whom I owe the re-kindling of my interest in martial arts. A fellow arnisador to whom I used to practice with for hours after work. Thank you for your guidance and for introducing me and continuing to introduce me to so many other martial artists.

GM Jay Jumawan
A big thank you for teachig me the techniques I know in arnis. Thank you for your patience, guidance, and understanding. There may be times I don’t show up, but you know it’s either because of family or work. Keep safe.

Patrick Ballos
Thank you for teaching me and refining my arnis techniques. You probably didn’t have to beat the heck out of me but you did. You made me realize above all that a person’s age (as well as height, gender, weight) is not a factor when it comes to fighting efficiently. Pugay!

Hankush Boodhun
Thank you for all the talks we had on martial arts as well as all the advise you have given me on work and life. All the yoga, martial arts, good food, training, and fun times.

To the trainers, instructors, and people that I have trained with, a big thank you. You have all contributed to my development in one way or another.

Master Jose Isidro and me.

Master Jose Isidro and me.


Grand Master Jumawan and his students.

Grand Master Jumawan and his students.

Master Yuli Romo, Master Jay Jumawan, and me

Master Yuli Romo, Grand  Master Jay Jumawan, and me

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